Staying Comfortable
Updated: Apr 6, 2022
My job requires me to work away from home every other 2 weeks and they provide housing in the form of 2 bedroom apartments in Galveston, Tx. Sure it’s on the beach and the sunsets are spectacular there but it has its down falls too. The roommate I share the apartmen with likes the temp warm where I’m a cold sleeper I need the temp low to sleep and not wake up sweating and miserable. So I fall back on my camping gear and out comes the awesome Zero Breeze Mark 2 to save the day. As a helicopter mechanic you need your rest to stay focused and alert on the job. I use my Mark 2 to blow cold air over me as I sleep and I sleep great waking up feeling great and ready to tackle another work day! The Zero Breeze has so many practical uses and not just for camping. So give them a try I think you’ll love yours as much as I love mine! @zerobreeze
<a href="">ZERO BREEZE</a