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Writer's pictureTim Havner

Sam Houston National Forest

Sometimes life can really stress you out and people have different ways of handling stress. For me I like to go and take a ride on the national forest roads. Today I traveled south on Phelps rd between Livingston and Huntsville ,Tx and ended up on Big Woods road still making my way south to 150 outside Cold Springs, Tx. Its always so peaceful in the forest the sounds of birds ( I’m an avid bird watcher too) the occasional whitetail deer but today I was blessed with a beautiful hawk that flew in front of my truck in the same direction of travel as myself. It was so amazing watching this majestic creature soaring through the forest. I was lucky enough to get a photograph of this amazing bird. Bandit and I had a great time riding the gravel roads, xploring the campsites and watching the wildlife. I feel as if my soul is at peace again and I can return to life and handle the challenges that come my way.

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